Membership application form
To be eligible to join the Credit Union, you need to be aged 18 or over and live or work within our common bond.
Please ensure you send a bank transfer of a minimum of £5 in order that we may process your application for membership. Please send your payment to Sort Code 608301 Account Number 20125680 Account Name Bridgwater & District Credit Union and quote your Surname and first name as a reference. Please note that £4 is the joining fee and the remaining payment you send will go to your savings account. Your balance should be made up to a minimum of £5 within the first three months of your application to ensure your future membership is not lapsed.

Please note that this process is not a 'real time' transaction and that there will be a short delay between your submission and the application being processed within the credit union office.

  • ALL fields marked with an " *" are mandatory and you must enter/select the appropriate information.
PERSONAL details:
Title: *
Forename: *
Middle name(s):
Surname: *
Household status: *
Home address House number/name:
  Flat number:
  Street: *
  Place: *
  County / District:
  Postcode: *
When did you start living here: / /
Gender: *
Date of birth: / / * (Age: )
National insurance number: *
Ethnicity: *
E-mail: *
Home telephone: *
Mobile telephone:
Do you pay tax outside of the United Kingdom ? *
ID verification methods:
Please provide a minimum of one of the following items in order to verify your identity.
Driving licence number
If you have neither Passport or Driving Licence you will need to bring the following forms of ID into our office, one from each list

Benefits agency book or letter - dated within the last three months
Inland Revenue letter - dated within the last three months
Bank/Building Society/Credit Card statement - dated within the last three months
Utility bill (not mobile phone) - dated within the last three months
TV licence

Tenancy Agreement
Council tax bill - dated within the current year
Inland Revenue letter - dated within the last three months
Bank/Building Society/Credit Card statement - dated within the last three months
Utility bill (not mobile phone) - dated within the last three months
TV licence
Passport number
Work details:
Employment status: *
Beneficiary details:
Beneficiary name:
Relationship to you:
Beneficiarys address: House/Flat No and street name:
County / District:
Beneficiarys contact number:
Banking details
Sort code:
Account number:
Building society roll number: (if applicable)
Name on account:
Additional information
I * wish to receive annual statements from the credit union via email. Statements not sent via email will be sent via post.
I * wish to receive promotional information from the credit union via email.


In accordance with the principles of the Data Protection Act 1998 we will use your personal details for the purposes of establishing your identity and managing your account with the Credit Union. Your personal details will be treated confidentially and will only be shared with other agencies for the purpose of credit referencing and debt recovery for which the credit union hold the appropriate Consumer Credit Licence.


I * to abide by the rules of the Credit Union and declare that the information given by me on this form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

By submitting this form, you are agreeing to an online ID check. This is not a credit check.

Click here to download a copy of the FSCS Information Sheet.
Further copies can be requested at any time by contacting

I have read the above FSCS Information Sheet and downloaded a copy for future reference. * ( please tick to confirm )
Human verification