Please complete this form to register for the Members' Area
Please note that by registering for the Members' Area you are agreeing to us sending electronic account statements.
Fields marked with an " *" are mandatory.
Membership number: *
Full name: *
First line of address and post code: *
Date of birth: / / *
NI number: *
Home phone number:
Mobile phone number:
E-mail address: *
Your 'PIN' is required each time you want to login to the members' area
Create your preferred 4-digit PIN *
Confirm your PIN *
Your 'login password' is required each time you want to login to the members' area

Note: This password is case sensitive, please use something memorable.
Enter your login password *
Confirm your login password *
Your 'share withdrawal password' is required each time you want to withdraw funds.

Your share withdrawal password must be between 6 and 12 characters with at least one digit, one upper case letter, one lower case letter and one special symbol ("!@#$%").
Share Withdrawal Password: *
Confirm your Share Withdrawal Password: *
I to the 'Terms and Conditions'

I understand that by registering for a PIN , I am agreeing to receiving my annual statement by email.
To help prevent spam, using only numbers, what is 4 + 2: *